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Her usual baggy jumper and dark jeans had been superseded by a tight-fitting, long t-shirt-come-dress with colourful tights underneath. It was very well-suited to her petite figure and definitely an improvement on her usual unflattering attire. Ethan's eyes followed her departure, fascinated by the 'new' Morag.When she was gone from sight, he looked back towards the house, figuring he couldn't hide out in the garden all night long, and saw that a light was on in what he believed to be Dave's bedroom. Upstairs had been ruled off limits so it was natural to suspect that a pair of erotically-charged guests had gone there to secure some privacy for themselves. Ethan imagined that the party-giver would not be best pleased were he to discover that such uncouth antics had taken place in his own room.Little did he suspect that it was the regular occupant of that lit room who occupied it now, although his thoughts as to the kind of activity taking place therein were very accurate. Even as the. John just shrugged pointing his pistol at the man shooting the man's kneecap.This time John moved back up the line shooting the first man in the knee with no warning. Then rapidly moved to the second shooting him in the knee. This time John moved back sitting down watching the three men writhe and scream. Calmly John looked out at the empty landscape taking his first deep drink from his canteen.Laying back John just shook his head as he leaned back to take a nap. He'd barely started to fall asleep when one of the men started to babble about the plans that the men had. How John's farm had nothing and the leader had taken his anger out on John's farm plus all that were there. Then he started to tell of their hideout, the plans to sell John's wife after all the men at the hideout used her.John nodded as he listened as the man described in detail where it was, what town that was nearby, the strength of the men there. The oldest started to shout for the man to shut up, John drew his now.
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